News & Announcements
- Come, Discover Who We Are Sunday, March 23, 2-4 PM “Open Church” - Generous donations, from some members of our Missionary Discipleship Team and Parish Pastoral Council, allowed us to send postcards to…
- Parish Pictorial Directory - We are developing a NEW Parish Pictorial Directory, a project initiated by the Parish Pastoral Council. This is a great…
- Lenten Fish Fry Fridays, 5-7:30 PM, March 14, 21, 28, April 4, and 11 - Knights of Columbus Council 553, to which Holy Cross Parish belongs, is offering their Annual Lenten Fish Fry, every Friday…
- If you paid 2024 Indiana State Income Tax . . . Learn how you can help support Holy Cross School through the Scholarship Granting Organization program in 2025! - Find Information about the SGO program, and download the donation form for the Scholarship Granting Organization of Northeast Indiana, Inc.…