Mass Times

 The Sacrament of the Eucharist lies at the very heart of the Church’s life and mission. Every time the Eucharist is celebrated, the Church is fully present, fully alive. The community of Holy Cross Parish finds its very life and mission from our Eucharistic worship.

Mass is celebrated:

Monday thru Saturday at 8:30 am in the Smith Center Mary Chapel.
During the school year – Friday’s at 8:30 am in Holy Cross Church with the school children in attendance. All are welcome.

Weekend Schedule:

Saturday Vigil Mass – 4:00 pm
Sunday Mass – 8:30 am  & 10:30 am

Bilingual Mass on the third Sunday of the month at 10:30 am.

Holy Days:

8:30 am (During the school year with the school children in attendance).

and  5:30 pm in the church.