Finance Council

“Sound fiscal management of a parish is a responsibility of the pastor and is linked closely to his pastoral care of the parish.  It is carried out properly when it includes the advice and help of devoted parishioners with experience in financial matters.  Consultation should be marked by transparency and mutual respect.”  Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Guidelines for Parish Finance Councils

The purpose of the Parish Finance Council is to advise the pastor in administering the temporal goods of the parish according to church law.  The council is composed of at least three members of the Christian faithful skilled in financial affairs and of outstanding integrity.  The council assists with the setting of the parish budget each year, advises the pastor on parish financial matters, and monitors the ongong finances of the parish.  The council meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

Finance Council Members 2024.2025

Fr. Jim Fenstermaker, C.S.C.
Scott Farrisee – Chairperson Annie Borjas, School Principal
Doug Baumgartner Carol Thon, Development Director
Monique Deguara Karen Trzaskowski, Business Manager
Rick Klee