Fiddler’s Hearth Parish Dinner – October 27th

Terry and Carol Meehan will once again be hosting Holy Cross Parish for a dinner at Fiddler’s Hearth
restaurant on the evening of October 27th.

The menu is being finalized and will be announced soon.
Entertainment by Art and the Artichokes, a very popular local band that includes parishioner Dr. Damian
Dieter. (Will Father Jim be joining them onstage? Come and find out!)

Doors open at 5:30 pm with entertainment beginning at 6:00 pm and dinner at 7:00 pm.

Proceeds from the dinner will be earmarked for the annual payment on our long-term debt with the Diocese and future Holy Cross Parish community building events.

Save the Date! Parish Retreat

On Sunday, October 6th the parish retreat will be immediately after the 10:30 am Mass to kick off our
celebration here at Holy Cross Parish of the Missionary Discipleship year of the Eucharistic Revival.

We’re having a facilitator coming from the St. Paul School of Evangelization in Detroit to lead us in the retreat.

For more information please contact the Parish Office 574.233.2179

We pray that you will be able to attend.

Donations needed for Walking with Moms

Why is there a crib in the church vestibule?  Our Walking with Moms Ministry is collecting donations of diapers, wipes, baby supplies, as well as, new and gently used baby items which are given to help Moms with their growing families.

We appreciate your generosity, prayers, and support