Parish Pictorial Directory

We are developing a NEW Parish Pictorial Directory, a project initiated by the Parish Pastoral Council. This is a great way to help families connect with one another, build fellowship in our church and strengthen our parish community. Our directory will not be complete without you!

Have your picture taken by a professional photographer on site at Holy Cross Parish (exact location will be announced soon). The dates for the photos (individual, couple, family) are Tuesday, March 25th – Saturday, March 29th. Weekday appointments are available from 2 PM – 8:45 PM — Saturday, from 10 AM – 4 PM.

Each family that is photographed and selects a directory pose will receive a free directory and a complimentary 8 X 10 portrait!

Please register at where exact times and more details are available. On the webpage, click Photography Session Sign-up. Enter with Church Code: IN1972 & Password: Photos. 

If you are not able to sign up online, there will be sign-ups after Sunday Masses. You may also email or call the parish office for assistance.